ultrasonic lipo vs smart lipo
hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel superhourglass. today we are going to discuss: water assistedliposuction. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know for you to get the hourglass shape you’ve always wanted. welcome back! it might come as a surprise to some, but there are actually different types of liposuction techniques or machines. all have the same end goal, which is to remove fat. one of the newest technologies is the water-assistedliposuction.
as the name suggests, water-assisted liposuctionuses water to help loosen its fat cells from the connective tissue, making it possibleto gently remove the fat. the surgeon still uses a cannula, but what makes it different is that the extracted fat cells may be harvested and transferred to other parts of the body. in general, this procedure involves the insertionof the cannula to the surgical site where fat needs to be removed. the fat is removed from the body and suctioned out. regardless of the type of liposuction, the procedure requires some energy source to get rid of the fat. this energy refers to the back and forth movementfrom the cannula
combined with the suctioning pressure of the machine. taking this into consideration, the water-assistedliposuction’s energy source is a water jet stream that comes from the tip of the cannula. water-assisted liposuction is one of the many non-destructive liposuction techniques for fat harvesting. in other words, this technique does not destroythe fat removed from the body, thereby making fat transfer possible. this is very different from the ultrasonicor the laser-assisted liposuction wherein the energy applied removes the fat and essentially destroys the fat throughout the process.
having said that, water-assisted liposuction still follows the same steps as any liposuction. in other words, the principles of liposuction are the same. we still need to use tumescent anesthesiato prevent bleeding, there is a back and forth movement of the cannula, etc. however, advocates of a water-assisted liposuctionclaim that this has a faster recovery process because it causes less trauma and bruisingthan the other techniques. the reason being that it gently removes thefat from the body using water to loosen it. nevertheless, the results of any given liposuctionprocedure depends mainly on the surgeon itself, rather than the machine they use.
water-assisted liposuction is another techniquethat is highly successful in removing fat, but what makes it particularly impressiveis the fact that it can harvest the fat in a very non destructive way. this will be valuable if you need fat to enhanceother parts of your body. therefore, this technique is also excellentfor enhancing your body. in this video, we discussed water assistedliposuction. next week, we will discuss when can i exerciseafter liposuction? remember to comment below, share this video,like this video, and subscribe to our channel for more information, here at the superhourglasschannel, only on youtube.
also, you can log on to our website for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results. remember to log on to our hourglass tv for more information about your surgical procedures. on monday we have bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures. tuesdays: wonder breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery. wednesdays we have star bodies. if you want to have a star body log on to our hourglass tv. thursdays: hourglass or you’re going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures. also shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision. and friday superhourglass for topics related to have that hourglass figure that you want.
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