liposuction, also known as suction assistedlipectomy, is a surgical procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas of the body byremoving excess fatty deposits. it improves body contour and proportion, and in many casescan enhance someone's self image. as with any surgical procedure, there aregoing to be risks associated with it, and this is true with liposuction as well. mostof the risks fortunately are rather minor, and these can include small scars, irregularpigmentation, collections of fluid underneath the skin, and some changes in skin sensation.perhaps one of the more signification risks would be some type of asymmetry or contourirregularity. i look at liposuction as very much a complimentaryprocedure to lifestyle. it's not an either or proposition. if someone has an area offat accumulation that's bothersome to them then liposuction can very effectively improvethe contour. however, one cannot expect a significant change in weight by liposuctionalone. so the pro...
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