
smartlipo youtube

female: and laser lipo, a brand-new type ofliposuction, promises to cause you less pain and get you back on your feet in just 24 hours.it's now being offered in pittsburgh. find out how it works. [music] male: this is kvk tv news at five. ken rice: this really is none of my business,this question, but i must ask anyway. do you have a little extra flab that you just can'tseem to get rid of, but you can't quite stomach the idea of having liposuction? patrice king brown: well, if that is the case,then you will be thrilled to know that a new, less invasive type of liposuction is beingoffered in the pittsburgh area. it claims to be almost painless, and that you can beback on your feet the very next day. the question is, is it really like that? well, alison morrisis here with lauren. alison, how does this work? alison morris: well, patrice, it's actuallypretty simple. laser liposuction can be done right in the doctor's office with just localanesthesia, and it takes l...

smartlipo york pa

alright so today's my big day i'm finally getting that laser lipo procedure i've always wanted i was always a little nervous but since i work for dr. goodman i've seen his before and afters totally impressed and now today's my turn hi brandi hi you ready for your big day? i am a little nervous but a lot more excited alright well let me make sure you're checked in and let's get you started alright, let's get you back to dr. goodman alright let's get started i'm so excited for you we've been looking forward to this for weeks just as a background i've been doing liposuction for many years but i've come here recently to the new radiance med spa in palm beach gardens maybe we've done seventy-five cases in the past three months and we're gonna try to demonstrate the specifics of doing liposuction of the abdomen waist lower back with fat transfer to butttock and also to face so let's put the markings on so take that off an...

smartlipo work

female: and laser lipo, a brand-new type ofliposuction, promises to cause you less pain and get you back on your feet in just 24 hours.it's now being offered in pittsburgh. find out how it works. [music] male: this is kvk tv news at five. ken rice: this really is none of my business,this question, but i must ask anyway. do you have a little extra flab that you just can'tseem to get rid of, but you can't quite stomach the idea of having liposuction? patrice king brown: well, if that is the case,then you will be thrilled to know that a new, less invasive type of liposuction is beingoffered in the pittsburgh area. it claims to be almost painless, and that you can beback on your feet the very next day. the question is, is it really like that? well, alison morrisis here with lauren. alison, how does this work? alison morris: well, patrice, it's actuallypretty simple. laser liposuction can be done right in the doctor's office with just localanesthesia, and it takes l...

smartlipo winter park fl

some patiens wil come in and say, “justdo whatever you think is right.” that’s, i believe, the wrong thing to do. it’s,“what is bothering you? what is making you feel self-concious.” and then it’s myjob as the educator, the word doctor means teacher, to go through with them all the possibilities,weather they’re surgical or non-surgical, and then see what works best for them in termsof recovery time, cost, and getting them back to their normal daily lives. the first timethat i met dr. dibernardo he was very nice to talk to, he’s very friendly, he’s verysincere, and he’ll look you straight in the eyes when he talks to you. that is veryvery important. it’s very important to have an understanding and compassionate staff foranything we do, however, in addition to that, they are very knowledgeable in everythingwe do. it’s that knowledge, that compassion, that really makes people come to us and say,“we’ve been to a lot of offices, but we feel like we’re at...

smartlipo westchester ny

alright so today's my big day i'm finally getting that laser lipo procedure i've always wanted i was always a little nervous but since i work for dr. goodman i've seen his before and afters totally impressed and now today's my turn hi brandi hi you ready for your big day? i am a little nervous but a lot more excited alright well let me make sure you're checked in and let's get you started alright, let's get you back to dr. goodman alright let's get started i'm so excited for you we've been looking forward to this for weeks just as a background i've been doing liposuction for many years but i've come here recently to the new radiance med spa in palm beach gardens maybe we've done seventy-five cases in the past three months and we're gonna try to demonstrate the specifics of doing liposuction of the abdomen waist lower back with fat transfer to butttock and also to face so let's put the markings on so take that off an...

smartlipo west palm beach

my name is kristy today's my day for my smart liposuction and fat transfer to the buttocks well, for 28 years i had a great figure and then i got pregnant with my son and had a baby and for the last year and ahalf i just can't get back to what i want to beat good morning, i'm neil goodman i'm a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist and a fellow of the american academy of cosmeticsurgery i have performed about 3000 of these procedures all under local anesthesia in the past seven or eight years how're you feeling? i feel great yeah? i'm excited i've been waiting this day a long time you have no idea so i'm ready and the areas we're going to work on are your abdomen, waist, lower back and we're going to put fat in the butt correct it's life-changing it's life-changing for you you know? this body that i've been dreaming of for the last year and a half since i had my baby i'll be hopefully getting back to and getting in ...

smartlipo washington dc

in this clip we will talk about other varioustechniques of liposuction. the traditional liposuction does involve, as we talked about,the cannulas. the cannulas that use to be used were larger cannulas until people foundout that yes, you can remove more fat and perhaps more efficiently, but you can causesome damage to the skin by removing too much fat or by creating irregularities from toomuch fat removal. so most of the cannulas nowadays are thinner, more fine cannula andif, actually the cannulas use to be sharp and now they are all dull or blunt at theend to prevent any underlying injuries. but the later evolution is involving cannulasthat are actually more active. rather than the physician having to pass back and forththat the cannula itself causes some dangers in the underlying tissues and fat. one ofthese is through ultrasonic energy and the ultrasonic energy is designed to try to breakup the fat and perhaps remove it more smoothly or uniformly. and then there is a vibratoryas...