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some patiens wil come in and say, “justdo whatever you think is right.†that’s, i believe, the wrong thing to do. it’s,“what is bothering you? what is making you feel self-concious.†and then it’s myjob as the educator, the word doctor means teacher, to go through with them all the possibilities,weather they’re surgical or non-surgical, and then see what works best for them in termsof recovery time, cost, and getting them back to their normal daily lives. the first timethat i met dr. dibernardo he was very nice to talk to, he’s very friendly, he’s verysincere, and he’ll look you straight in the eyes when he talks to you. that is veryvery important. it’s very important to have an understanding and compassionate staff foranything we do, however, in addition to that,
they are very knowledgeable in everythingwe do. it’s that knowledge, that compassion, that really makes people come to us and say,“we’ve been to a lot of offices, but we feel like we’re at home here, we feel likethese are our friends.†the staff here is phenomenal. they have a way of making youfeel at home. when you open the door you don’t feel like you’re in a dr.’s office. they’reall so friendly. they all say, “hello.†the women, when i come in, they see that it’sme, and the ones that i know and have become friendly with, come out and we talk to eachother and it’s a very comfortable atmosphere. the staff here at dr. dibernardo treated mevery nicely. i felt very comfortable. i felt very confident. i had no apprehension whatsoever.i just felt great about the whole thing. i
was very relaxed. the staff was very friendly,very helpful and very courteous. they helped me through the whole process, answering anyquestions i had. they were really helpful.
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