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my name is maya, and i’m from tel aviv israel.well, the sun in israel is brutal! so, most of my girlfriends, just sort of, you knowsit in the sun and they decided that i’ll just go have a facelift. and they did! andthey all look like this! and i heard about dr. dibernardo from my sister who lives innew jersey. and i thought, wow, that’s the way to go. and i’ve done everything thathe has that you can do, that’s non-invasive. and i’m 55, and i feel like i did when iwas 35. oh my god latisse, it’s just like putting on eyeliner every night before yougo to sleep. you take the applicator you put it on this eye, and put it on this eye. andwithin 3 weeks, your eyelashes are noticeably longer and darker. and i mean that’s simple!it takes maybe 10 seconds every night. and
its so wow, that when i put my sunglasseson i have to put them down a little bit on my nose because my eyelashes hit. >> ultherais the very first sonogram laser. and what it does is like, when your pregnant and theytake the sonogram and they put it on your belly. so, they put it on your face untilthey find the muscle. and then they have a laser that injures the muscle and the muscleis like “oh! i better make collagen to make healâ€. and it, over the period of 3-4 months,and that’s what the brilliance of everything that dr. dibernardo has. its over 3-4 monthsuntil you see the results. um, and of course i saw the minute i finished because well,it was amazing. but what did i do? i did everything! i did my forehead, i did over here and i didmy neck. so my jaw line is tighter, my cheekbone
is higher my eyes are prettier. >> zeronais a laser that you do it 6 times over 2 weeks. and i lost 10 inches! and, it never touchesyour body. you lie for 20 minutes on your stomach, 20 minutes on your back. and howit works, is it takes the fat and as if its like a grape, each time you go it shrinksit smaller, and smaller, and smaller. and then its nothing! it’s just the skin. >> zeltiq is dr. dibernardo’s probably newest laser. basically it takes the specific areathat you want spot reductions and it freezes the fat. and again, over a period of 3-4 months,the frozen fat is just eliminated. i had 4 children, and with each child, between thebelly button and where your bikini ends, you know it’s a little pouchy. so, i had thatarea done so i could wear a bikini again.
i don’t say anything because dr. dibernardois my secret and i don’t want anybody to know that this doesn’t just come naturally.if i were to tell my friends and colleagues and family members about dr. dibernardo whati would say is, you have to look at him as a person. and that’s what draws you intothat circle of trust. and i mean, the man is a genius. everything he does has to beperfect. and he understands that when you cut something you ruin the intrinsic valueof it. but by enhancing it by using lasers, you’ve preserved it and made it better.
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