top smart locks 2016
what's up everybody, welcome back to my laboratorywhere safety is number one priority, and today we're going to put to the test: bluetooth smart locks, let's check thisout! so we got here two security smart padlock. one is indoor the other one isoutdoor. today we're going do a little review and then we're going to try to break in in it, and see what it's like. by the way, don't be too fast throwing away this plastic. take out this little piece of paper, there is your security code andactivation code. so this is what it looks like. i have twolocks right now, it took me about 30 minutes to activate and get everythingset up.
now my app is open, let's press on it, andit just... boom! turns green and now it's open. pretty cool,what about this one? it's blue right now, it should turn green... boom! it's green. i can open it now. boom! whoa, that's pretty big lock! to closeit, just close it, and it's blue, means it's closed. boom! it's closed again. let's try todo it again. open it... and you see, second time... yep, it worked and it opened. let's see if it's open second times. yep, it's open as well. close it again
simple. now, i'm not going to even turn offthis app. now i open different app, let's see: i'm browsing the internet, and let's seeif it's still going to open. you see, it does not want to open anymore. i have to almost relaunch the app orrelaunch the bluetooth, or even restart my phone to get this open. let's go back to this master lockâ® app, it relaunches. let's see if it opens... ...nothing. come on... you see, that's kind of annoying.
now i'm going to restart my phone againand it should work again. master lockâ®, please fix this issue because that'skind of annoying. every time i need to open a lock, i need to restart my phone. okay, i haverestarted my cell phone and now i'm turning back on master lockâ® app and let's see ifit opens. yep, it opens as you can see it turns greenand it even says that here it's open. this one is open. these locks don't haveany key, so any of these picks, lock picks willnot work. so we gotta think of something else to breaking into theselocks. also, if your cell phone doesn't
work, not a big deal, you can just open itwith this little code and boom! you see it's green, it's opens. boom! so you not always need a cell phonefor this. so we're going to do fire test on thislock. first thing i really have to do is take out this little battery. because theselittle batteries do explode. now that the battery out, i'm gonna dothe burning test. oh yeah, the front screen melts really easily. metal melting already!
let's try it from this side. oh here you go! half of the lock have fell off. look at these little computer chips. boom! half of the lock fell off, but... andit opened... so they didn't even have to melt all the way for it to open. once this little chip fell off, it was as you can see, it only took me like a minute and a half to open this lock, nobig deal. so once the chip fell off, it opened it. let's try to burn it some more and seehow strong this metal is. just with a
blowtorch like that... this metal melts super easily. look at that!... in 15 seconds, boom! the whole lock fell off. so as youcan see, this little torch can burn through this little lock really easily. so let's see what happens if we type in the wrong number. boom! it turned red, pretty cool, huh? first off: let's try to crack thiscombination part open, and try to take the chip out, see if it's possible withthis little screwdriver. boom! look... wow, look at that chip overhere. still locked as you can see, but
the front is out. hope it doesn't shockme. let's break all that stuff up, messed up the chip, let's see if it still opens. as you cansee, the light doesn't work... but it still works, let me try to break this and... ok, it still doesn't unlock even the lightdoesn't work, so that will not work. so it has this little cover right here. as you cansee, there is a little screw when its open you can turn the screw, when it's lockedyou can not turn that screw. nothing happened so far... boom! look atthis, the whole thing fell out in less
than a minute! now let's see if we can open the battery.this thing has fell out... now it's battery is open, we can take outthe battery and let's see what happens. nope. even though we took out the battery, lock is not opening, probably because we messed this up. ok, now that the battery is out let's try to do the burn test. i'm just going to cut off this littleplastic so we don't smoke it up over here. still locked.
here we go! the front is falling out already. here we go and it's done. the whole lock fell down. so as you can see, it's not too reliable, fire will get it in less thantwo minutes. so this is what's left with this lock.melts it down with the little torch.
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