smart lipo vs traditional lipo
we have all been there--that dreaded weightloss plateau. everything is going well. you’re making progress…until you just aren’ next guest has a solution that will kick unwanted fat to the curb. dr. joseph jensenis here. thanks so much for joining us. thanks for having, really quickly first that weight loss plateau. what’s behind that?well, it happens to everyone. we all have fat deposits in different places of our matter how hard we work it seems we can’t get our tummy flattened, or our love handlesgone, or our saddle bags and our thighs. and so really, you either just live with yourshape or you come see me and get reshaped. you’ve got a few, in fact three optionsthat can help kinda push you over that hump,
if you will. the first one is smartlipo.right. so, liposuction is an amazing tool for reducing fat bulges or unwanted fat. wedo it in the office. people are sleepy but, arousable, and we’ve had excellent resultswith that. so, we’ve started to throw the word “smartâ€in front of it. is it the same as traditional liposuction?that’s a great question. smart liposuction, or laser liposuction, is just liposuctionwith one extra step. and that is that i’ll run a laser fiber through the treatment area.and that helps to achieve a better result faster... ok. … [reduce] post-operative pain and swelling,[and produce] better fat reduction. the exciting
thing about using the laser with liposuctionis that there is more skin tightening, which is important. you want your skin to firm upand so the area looks really nice. so, smartlipo equals improved lipo, basically.yes, it’s liposuction plus. alright, the next procedure most of us haveprobably heard of: tummy tucks. aside from removing the excess fat and skin you can sayit can also revitalize the muscles. it can. tummy tuck is amazing. and it doesn’treplace liposuction and liposuction doesn’t replace tummy tuck. they’re different tools.a lot of times ladies—patients--come to me because they want liposuction, and reallythey need tummy tuck, because they have too much excess skin or they have too much laxityin their abdominal muscles. say you have a
couple of babies and your muscles are stretchedout and you can lose the weight, but your belly still pooches out. we all know someoneor have seen that situation. so, really the only way to reclaim that flat abdomen thatyou had prior to pregnancy is to suture those muscles together.and the third procedure, one that’s perhaps newer--newest to the market--is the cool sculpting.tell us about that. cool sculpting is really exciting. it’s--ofthe three--the only procedure that’s not invasive. there’s no cutting there’s noneedles. you can literally come to my office at lunch time, have a procedure, see 25%-40%of the fat reduction in the treatment area, and go right back to we hear and read that you are freezing
away the fat. what’s happening exactly?this is an interesting technology. it was invented in at harvard, where they had notedthat children that sucked popsicles on one side developed some fat wasting in their cheek.and so they developed the research and found that fat cells obviously contain a lot offat and most cells contain mostly water. and so, different things happen at the same temperatureto these cells. well fat cells, if you get them down to a certain temperature, will induceapoptosis, which is cell death. you treat the area, you freeze an area and then over the next 2-3 months the cellsthat you’ve treated just disappear. interesting. i’ve heard about. i’ve neverheard the research behind it, though, with
the suckers, popsicles, and that. that’sinteresting. that’s super interesting. well, if someone wants to set up a consultationwith you for one or any of these procedures to get information about it how can they dothat? just go to my website, in for a free consultation. we have you know all these options that are, really, what works--what will work--best for you…we can achieve the best possibleway. all right. thank you so much sir. we appreciateit. thank you.
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